How to Outsmart Sophisticated Phishing Scams | Ephrata National Bank (2024)

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February 28, 2023

You’ve probably heard of phishing. But do you really know what it is – and more importantly, how to protect yourself from falling victim to it? Phishing scams have become very sophisticated, but there are some simple things you can do to protect yourself and keep your personal information safe.

What is Phishing?

Let’s start with a basic description: Phishing is a type of scam where an attacker sends a fraudulent message to trick you into revealing sensitive information – often to access your accounts or commit identity theft.

Phishing attempts usually occur through email, over the phone, or via text message. They can be very well-designed to look or sound like legitimate messages from those you know and trust, such as your financial institution, and may contain a link that directs you to a fake website that looks legitimate.

Tip #1: Do not expect phishing emails to be filtered into your Junk mail. Because they are often individually crafted based on information gathered on your social media sites, they can avoid detection from advanced email filters.

How to Detect Phishing Scams

There are ways to avoid phishing scams if you know what to look and listen for. Be on the lookout for these identifying factors:

  • Inconsistencies in email addresses. Phishing emails will typically come from an unfamiliar, unusual email address. The easiest way to detect this is to hover your cursor over the email address to reveal the true “from” address. This will usually reveal the email as a fraud and can be done without actually clicking into the email itself. For example, if an email allegedly originates from your financial institution, but the domain name reads something else, it’s likely a phishing email. Delete it immediately.
  • Unfamiliar greeting or salutation. Sometimes the informality or other irregularity of a salutation can and should provoke suspicion. Be on the lookout for this type of irregularity in emails and text messages, and perhaps even phone calls. For example, if your financial institution greets you with a nickname you don’t use with your accounts, it’s an indication of phishing.
  • Bad grammar, spelling mistakes or unusual language. Legitimate emails and text messages will not have these mistakes. However, they are often found in phishing scams.
  • Demand for urgent action. This is key! Emails, text messages and phone calls threatening some type of negative consequence, loss of money, or missed opportunity are key factors in phishing scams. The urgency prompts you to act without thinking and is what ultimately gets intelligent consumers to fall for these well-designed phishing scams. The scams have flaws, but the panic they create can cause consumers to take swift action before errors can be spotted.
  • Requests for passwords. Do not respond to a text alert, email, or phone call asking for a password, PIN, or any other security information. Never give this information to anyone, even if you think it’s your bank or credit union. They will never ask you for this information. Ever.

Tip #2: Be wary of long text numbers. If you receive a text message from an unidentified number longer than 10 digits, the odds are high it’s a scam.

More Dos and Don’ts to Protect Yourself

  • Don’t click on links in an unsolicited email or text message.
  • Don’t use the phone number a potential scammer provided in an email or text message. Look up the company’s phone number on your own and call to verify the authenticity of the message or request.
  • Don’t give out personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, dates of birth, or Social Security numbers.
  • Don’t respond to suspected phishing emails, text messages or phone calls, even if you think it would be fun to tease or trick them. It’s best to avoid responding in any way.
  • Do be suspicious of anyone pressing you to act immediately.

Tip #3: Phone numbers and caller identities can be faked to look like the caller ID is from a business you know and trust, like your financial institution. Never trust that the caller ID is accurate. It is best to look up the company’s phone number on your own and call them.

If you detect suspicious activity, contact the alleged company directly. In the case of your financial institution, call at the number listed on the back of your bank-issued debit card, in your banking app, or the bank’s official website.

Learn more about scams and ways to protect yourself by visiting

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How to Outsmart Sophisticated Phishing Scams | Ephrata National Bank (2024)


What is the key to preventing successful phishing scams? ›

Use strong passwords & enable two-factor authentication. Don't ignore update messages. Exercise caution when opening emails or clicking on links. Don't give your information to an unsecured site.

What are some clues you can use to identify phishing scams? ›

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Urgent action demands.
  • Poor grammar and spelling errors.
  • An unfamiliar greeting or salutation.
  • Requests for login credentials, payment information or sensitive data.
  • Offers that are too good to be true.
  • Suspicious or unsolicited attachments.
  • Inconsistencies in email addresses, links and domain names.

What is a sophisticated phishing attack? ›

Spear phishing is a sophisticated email phishing tactic designed to target a specific person. Spear phishing emails often contain personal or identifying information about the recipient to convince them that the email is coming from a legitimate source.

What do the attackers do to create a sophisticated and convincing message? ›

In these targeted campaigns, the attacker uses information about your employees or company to make their messages even more persuasive and realistic. This is usually referred to as spear phishing.

What are the three anti phishing tactics? ›

In this paper, we first review information about tactics that can effectively reduce the success rate of phishing attempts. We then formulate a three-pillared prevention strategy based on: (1) one-time passwords, (2) multi-level desktop barrier applications, and (3) behavior modification.

What is the best protection against phishing? ›

The Top Phishing Protection Solutions include:
  • Trustifi.
  • PhishTitan Phishing Protection.
  • Abnormal Security.
  • Agari.
  • Avanan.
  • Barracuda Sentinel.
  • Cofense.

What tool is used to detect phishing attacks? ›

IronScales is a sophisticated and self-learning phishing prevention tool. It combines human interaction and AI-oriented identification to prevent phishing attempts, including BEC (Business Email Compromise). It has tools to predict how a future attack will look.

What information does a scammer need to access my bank account? ›

The easiest way to become a victim of a bank scam is to share your banking info — e.g., account numbers, PIN codes, social security number — with someone you don't know well and trust. If someone asks for sensitive banking details, proceed with caution.

What is phishing trick? ›

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers. It occurs when an attacker, masquerading as a trusted entity, dupes a victim into opening an email, instant message, or text message.

How is phishing getting more sophisticated? ›

Advancements in Technology: Phishing attacks have become more sophisticated with technological advances. Hackers can create fake websites that look identical to legitimate websites, making it difficult for users to differentiate between them.

What is sophisticated attackers? ›

These attacks are typically targeted at air-gapped networks or networks that would be considered highly secured, such as those of power companies (supervisory control and data acquisition or SCADA networks), governments, and defense organizations.

What are the persuasion techniques of phishing? ›

Three important findings of our research are that: (1) authority is the most popular persuasion technique regardless of the target and the reason used; (2) depending on the target types and the reason types, the next most popular persuasion principles are scarcity, consistency, and likeability; and (3) scarcity ...

What is the most difficult type of phishing to detect? ›

Pharming is a highly technical form of phishing, making it harder to detect. It involves a hacker hijacking the DNS (Domain Name Server), which converts URLs from plain language to IP addresses.

What is the slam method? ›

The SLAM acronym can be used as a reminder of what to look for to identify possible phishing emails. The SLAM acronym stands for sender, links, attachments, message.

What is the prevention method for phishing? ›

Never provide your personal information in response to an unsolicited request, whether it is over the phone or over the Internet. Emails and Internet pages created by phishers may look exactly like the real thing. They may even have a fake padlock icon that ordinarily is used to denote a secure site.

How do security keys prevent phishing? ›

But they need to steal and break into your physical security key before using it to access your accounts. Security keys can prevent phishing. Security keys are registered to your accounts and won't work with lookalike phishing websites. They may offer passwordless authentication.

What is phishing and how can it be prevented? ›

Phishing is the fraudulent use of electronic communications to deceive and take advantage of users. Phishing attacks attempt to gain sensitive, confidential information such as usernames, passwords, credit card information, network credentials, and more.

How can you protect yourself from phishing and scams? ›

Four Ways To Protect Yourself From Phishing
  1. Protect your computer by using security software. ...
  2. Protect your cell phone by setting software to update automatically. ...
  3. Protect your accounts by using multi-factor authentication. ...
  4. Protect your data by backing it up.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.