The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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The Shelby Sentineli

Shelbyville, Kentucky

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4 BEAB WEVERTIIODO a 'NUMBER 39 59 IRST BLOOD OR he Primary Before the Prayer Meeting WILL GO TO COURT APPEALS GOVERNOR BECKHAM OVER MILLION OR STATE TREASURER HON JOSH GRIITH OWENSBORO Col I have 75 of these Velvet lengths and so long as the lot lasts you have an opportunity to obtain this Bargain mother who was a Miss Todd' was born in Shelby county He was here Monday mixing with the Democratic voters and made an excellent im pression and it goes without saying that he will receive a handsome vote in Shelby county at the primary elect ion to be held on May 9 argument His contention was that only one man at a time can be ineli gible to the office of Governor and that no man could be ineligible at the same timo to both the offices of Lieu tenant Governor and Governor that a term of office means a fixed and defi nite period of time and that the term referred to in the Constitution which makes a Governor ineligible after election thereto means a period of four years He referred to that por tion of judge speech af rankfort wherein Breckinridge claimed that the touchstone of the contest was the fact that the salary of the Governor could not be raised or lowered at any time after Beckham had been elected to fill the vacancy caused by death which Judge Beckham argued proved nothing Dollars War Claim Paid Into State Treasury By tbe Na tional Government 1 RTARI IRMED IN YEAR 1840 At Versailles last riday afternoon Circuit Judge Cantrill decided in the test case filed in the Woodford Cir cuit Court that Gov Beckham is eli gible to re election He granted the petition for a mandamus requiring Chairman Young and the Democratic State Executive Committee to place Gov name on the ballot to be used in the State primary on May The defendants excepted to the judgment and prayed an appeal to the Appellate Court The case will probably be heard and decided by the highest court this week Hon Beckham of Shelbyville an uncle of Gov Beckham was one of the attorneys the case and pre pared the judgment rendered in the case Judge Beckham made an able America ar In tbe Lead The story of American agriculture has been the story of our growth in population and of the extension of our national a record without a parallel in the history of the world A Chicago man once said that he had lied a great many times about the growth of his city but Providence had always quickly come to his relief It would take a gifted liar to over state the growth of our" agriculture or exaggerate the marvel of its pres ent proportions The difficulty is to prod imagination to any appreciation of the simple facts Uncle Sam al ready occupies the first rank among the fanners of the world in the mag nitude and value of his Al though his family constitutes only one twentieth of the human race he produces nearly one third of the food supply while Russia which comes next as a food producer has one twqlfth of the popula tion and supplies less than one fifth of Jts food' The President has again sent in the nomination of the negro Crum to be Collector at Charleston Ctobe acted on at the extra session of the Senate On account of a chjjngeof the make up of the committee which will consider the nomination confirmation is considered probable White Mercerized Madras and Canvass Waistings in entirely new de signs and at Lowest Prices Just Opened 5Oe I "RllCPft made Smyrna Rugs 36 72 EVUo inches in new designs This quality always fijJ Oil sells 400 I am offering them at the low price of flP Three checks for a sum aggregating132399935 were turned over to Gov Beckham last week by Capt Calhoun The checks were drawn by the Treasury Department and represented the interest accumula tion for money furnished by Kentucky to the ederal Government from 1861 to 1865 The largest of the checks was for $131777871 Capt commission will be 10 per cent on the first $100000 collected and 5 per cent on the balance Gov Beckham called a meeting of the Sinking und Com mission to advocate using the money to wipe out the bonded debt of 81000000 The State at present has not a dollar of floating debt The State Sinking und Commis sion met at rankfort Monday and decided to apply the money collected from the Government as interest on the war debt to redeeming the out standing bonds sagainst the State The action was taken on the votes of Gov Beckham Treasurer Hager and Auditor Coulter Attorney General Pratt opposing such use of the money Gov Beckham and Auditor: Coulter were delegated to ascertain whether the bonds can be purchased at their nominal value Senators Black burn and McCreary indorse the plan to wipe out the State debt with the money received from the Government An effort was made to have: the money used 'in the erection of new Capitol buildings firilPQ An entire new stock of Shoes being opened Ladi 0UV JjjO can find an the new lasts and toes Remember if prices are the Lowest and we carry the best qualities only The above is an excellent likeness of Hon Josh Griffith of Daviess county who is a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for State Treasurer Col Griffith is a true blue Democrat of the most uncompromis ing 'type and has represented the Second Congressional district on the Democratic State Central Committee for many years 4 He has held the office of County derk of Daviess countv for four succ essive terms and so great is his popul rity and sterling worth recognized ir his home county that he could hold tl office the rest of his natural life 1 Ladies will find the best grade of Velvet Carpets in beautiful desi' and colorings One yard of this grade of Velvet Carpet usually st for $115 per yard which would cost for i 1 6 yard $134 I can sei you me lengtu lor omy jitary of the Navy Moody has 11 that the three 16000 ton bat 4 Ips recently provided for shall ped Vermont Kansas and Min i The two new 12000 ton bat ips will be named Mississippiaho it has been filed in Larue county aside the transfer of the Lln nomestead tbe birthplace of fam Lincoln It is alleged that Insfer was fraudulent and wlth msideratlon and the plaintiff that it be set aside and the farm of court Tragedy Averted in the hick time our little boy was writes Mrs Wat kins of Pleasant City Ohio monia nan piayea saa navoc wizn mm and a terrible cough set in besides Doctors treated but he grew worse every day At length we tried Dr New Discovery for Con sumption and our darling was saved now' sound and Every body ought to know the only sure cure for Coughs Colds and all lung diseases Guaranteed by all Drug gists Price 50c and 8100 1 Trial bot tles iree Twentieth Century Religion By MARY LEASE HE churches are losing their grip on the hearts of men Peo pie are turning away from the husks to find the There is a demand for a more sensible religion We stand at the threshold of a new period of adjustment a ''Any form of religion which holds up the present system of so cial distinction is extremely untrue The race must be as awhile or none of it can be saved A gray haired man of 50 can look back over fields of memory and find no greater changes in anything than in religion The orthodoxy of yesterday is the blasphemy of to minister in any pulpit would to day dare to preach the orthodoxy of hell and brimstone of 50 years ago The religion of the twentieth century will be the one that will uplift mankind morally and physically that will teach him that phys ical perfection makes a perfect souLand that place is to do his dutv by himself here and not pay so much attention to the hereafter 'THE RELIGION THE UTURE THAT WILL RE nuw TWR WORLD WILL HAVE THESE SEVEN SACRA Aments soap sewers ture air healthy exercise EDUCATION HAPPY HOMES AND EQUAL JUSTICE OR i''ALL" ENGLE i 'A 1 I a I nc i 1 1 1 1 el 1 1 1 1 1 shelbyvilleI Kentucky march 121903 Zibaline Mohairs in navy and green with Hairline Stripes the latest sS weave and effect in Spring Dress goods worth 70 cents for only rXJ Land Patents Valid In the United States Court rankfort Judge Cochran handed doi a decision holding that all land pat ents issued since 1852 in Kentucky foc more than 200 acres are void except in a few cases where authorized by special act of the Legislature The decision was rendered in a case in volving over 40000 acres of land in Harlan county If sustained by the higher ederal Courts it will be of far reaching importance and it is be lieved will aid materially in the devel opment of Eastern Kentucky where such patents have affected the valid ity of land titles our thousand employes will be thrown out of work when the Ameri can Window Glass Company closes its Indiana plants The company has been incorporated to manufacture operate and sell glass making ma 1 chines which to a large extent will do away with hand labor i A New York paper publishes a marized forecast the Anthracite dual Strike finding? An increase of 10 per cent in wages in 4J direct recognition of the union blame wl for the operators as to the cause of ijy the strike and condemnation of the boycott are among the points jpre dieted "'i 6 George Boone was arrested in OWea county last riday charged with thesf murder of his wife who died suddenly C1 i after sustaining a beating at hia hands Owing to talk of mob violence Boone was taken to the Carrollton jail He was indicted for the murder' at a special grand jury meeting 4 Saturday? The Court of Appeals in affirming a case of the Commonwealth against railway appealed from John son county holds that where freight passes over two or more lines of dif ferent carriers it is not embraced by the terms of the long and short haul A statute and that to make an imtict'4 ment good the words the WM I are essential This is k' blow to shippers and nullifies the tong i and short haul statute Booms fob RnNT One large ropm and one in rear ver store I By REV CUMMING SMITH Pastor of the Tabernacle Church Indianapolis' bla'aie politicians for the condition of municipal affairs when we should blame our religious citizens for their lukewarm i ness in politics The lower vote of any city is a unit while the upper vote and scattered National party lines intrude into prac iically all municipal elections We want to focus 7 I A PRIMARY CAME THURSDAY EVENING I WOULD SUSPEND THE PRAYER MEETING SO THAT CHRISTIAN CITIZENS COULD ATTEND IT i If this spirit was followed out and our aristocracies and church members' shook off their torpor and combined on the general plat form of carrying out the laws and if magnificent citizens headed the 1 It 1 Jnrr nr urrMltrl 11 Hit A tlzH CO Innfl movement men i utueve uw muiu uaw and other species of vice would tremble before their inevitable doom Two thinc's are wanted: 1 he elimination ot national party nes feand the concentration of our best civic ideals under the leadership of undaunted citizens Unless there is some such radical retormation oaseu on vnns t'ian character I do not expect very much from temporary efforts to 'cleanse local affairs in our cities iJWe expect too much virtue from the poor and unfortunate we too hard hearted I RICHES OTEN TEMPT MEN TO ORGETULNESS THE HIGHER DUTIES POVERTY IS tN EQUAL TEMPTATION IN BRIE 1Y Six i persons were burned to death and one fatally injured by the burning tof a small hotel at Leiter Va People living near Gallatin Tennhave drawn the color line against a 1 negro mail carrier serving a rural free route tV I Thb action of the Wisconsin Legis lature in calling for a race conference is declared to be the initial step in a boom for Senator Spooner for Presi dent 2 LGov Jennings of lorida joins oth sr Southern Governors in declining to appoint delegates to a convention to 'discuss the race question at the sug gestion of the Wisconsin Legislature VThe Democrats of the Senate re elected Mr Gorman of Maryland to 'his old place place as chairman of ihe caucus Senator Blackburn was amed a member of the Steering imittee ormer Gov Sayres of Texas will probably be one of the Democratic members of the Isthmian Canal Com mission During the two sessions of the ifty seventh Congress 18420 bills aud reso lutions were introduced in the House and 3430 of these were acted on President Roosevelt has 'accepted the suggestion made through Baron von Sternberg that the unveil ing of the statue of rederick the Great be postponed until 1904 Nineteen Italian laborers were drowned in the Hudson river near Glens alls The men were re turning from work on a dam and the ferryboat carrying sixty persons capsizeA Minister Squires will go from Ha vana to the Isl of Pines to confer with the American residents there who declare that they will resist the ratification of any treaty which gives Cuba the sovereignty of the island Senator James McCreary of Kentucky will probably be made a member of the Senate oreign Rela tions Committee which has under consideration the two treaties to be considered during the extra session Miller a law partner of Taylor at Indianapolis filed a cross complaint to suit askinw for an accounting of the affairs Miller charges that the Kentucky fu gitive defrauded him by pocketing fees Capt Ed Porter Thompson Sr one of the best known Democratic politi cians in the State and a veteran of the noted Orphan Brigade of the Con federate army died at rankfort last Wednesday night He was at one time Superintendent of Public In struction of Kentucky The Senate of the ifty eight Con gress convened in extraordinary ses session last Thursday to take up the Cuban reciprocity and the Panama tanal treaties The oath was admin istered to twenty six Senators includ ing James McCreary of Kentucky With the exception of Mr Gorman of Maryland ji Mr McCreary received more applause than any other memoer Circuit Judge Cntrill Decides Gov Beckham Eligible To Re election I ln the Mandamus Suit QPDfi Machine Torchon Laces you cannot tell from Hand madA LjaCvd Up to 5 inches wide good washable Laces worth 10c a yard for only Cloths of sheer'quality in woven colored Stripes JxlaUL do 32 inches wide regular 20c quality 1 for only 1 1 THE GOVERNOR Special Bargain in Velvet Carpets in 1 1 6 vard lengths suitable for Yral leaders of the ent in Alabama have received containing threatsof violence tters are supposed to be the a secret meeting held by ne me days ago jury at Newark estigating the accident in nine children were killed tie New Jersey Railway Com Jzhlch operates the trolley line 1 Jdble for the wreck '4' jflcial report on the recent min Its at Atkinsville Va re I at headquarters of the mine fa in Indianapolis says the dep jjot the mjners in their beds and it? resistance having been of 'tr I 4t I SEICHES THE PEOPLE 2 i nimrnJIWIr' T'ilirW ft Vi Ifcv 1 I igh i ik ip Ka (i 1 I 1 4" fi i 1 7 aV'5 frttot a Jw A 5 1 7 KSWli I Torn 1.

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The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.