Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (2024)

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack

Event #13: $10,000 Dealer's Choice Championship (6-Handed)Event #15: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better (8-Handed)Event #16: $5,000 8-Handed No-Limit Hold'emEvent #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStackEvent #18: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha (8-Handed)Event #19: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship (8-Handed)Event #20: $300 Gladiators of Poker No-Limit Hold'emEvent #21: $25,000 High Roller Six Handed No-Limit Hold'emEvent #22: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw (6-Handed)Event #23: $1,500 SHOOTOUT No-Limit Hold'emEvent #24: $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship (8-Handed)Show All Events

Day: 2


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2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results


TJ Murphy

Winning Hand




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Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack

Day 2 Completed

TJ Murphy Dominates Final Table to Win First Bracelet in Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (3)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (4)

Action has concluded in Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack and TJ Murphy has emerged victorious, earning his first World Series of Poker (WSOP) gold bracelet, along with a hefty payout of $368,977.

Murphy came into the final table as the chip leader and never looked backed, knocking off six out of his eight tablemates at the nine-handed final table. Murphy's dominating performance came to an end when he defeated Raymond Mancini in a short heads-up duel.

PokerNews caught up with Murphy after the win where he described the moment as "ridiculous, euphoric, on top of the world."

When asked about his future plans for the summer, Murphy mentioned, "I'd like to maybe come out again, but we'll see how things work out. I was looking at maybe doing a second trip. I can afford the main (event) now, so I might do that. I'm playing well and running well, obviously, so it would be a shame for it to go to waste."

$800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack Final Table Results

1TJ MurphyUnited States$368,977
2Raymond ManciniUnited States$246,031
3Tao ChuUnited States$183,237
4Vernon BarrugaUnited States$137,551
5Hai NguyenUnited States$104,079
6Dimitre DimitrovUnited States$79,385
7Yuvaraj RaiUnited States$61,042
8Michael WillsUnited States$47,320
9Harry LodgeUnited Kingdom$36,986

Murphy navigated through a mammoth field of 4,732 runners on his way to victory. The tournament took place over two days at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas and generated a whopping prize pool of $3,331,328.

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (5)

Day 2 Action

Only 310 players returned for Day 2, those of which included bracelet winners James Calderaro, Shaun Deeb, Rafael Reis, who were all on the hunt for another piece of gold.

The tournament's structure set a quick pace, with many bustouts occurring within the first few levels of the day. Only 136 players made it through to the first break.

Calderaro came into the day as the chip leader and made a deep run before losing a flip and finishing 63rd ($5,893). Deeb had a volatile day, which saw his chip stack fluctuating and got knocked out right before the first break in 138th ($3,276). Reis was in search of his second bracelet, but fell short, finishing in 75th ($5,020). Harry Lodge was also in pursuit of his second bracelet, having made it all the way to the final table before placing ninth.

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (6)

Murphy flew under the radar for most of the day until he started heating up during the final two tables. His road to the final table started with winning two timely flips to knock out back-to-back opponents in 15th and 14th place.

Shortly thereafter, Murphy was involved in a huge hand where he was all-in and at risk, which proved to be a significant turning point for him. Murphy got it all-in preflop with ace-jack versus ace-queen and managed to find a jack on the flop to double up. This was the hand that fueled his momentum heading into the final table.

Final Table Action

Murphy came into the final table with a sizable chip lead, sitting with 49,950,000, with his next closest opponent having 29,000,000. The first two players got eliminated relatively quickly and play was down to seven-handed, with Murphy still in the lead.

This is when he began knocking out his competitors one by one, going on to eliminate all six of his remaining tablemates. Despite his commanding run, it wasn't all smooth sailing for Murphy, who ran into some slight hiccups along the way.

Once play was five-handed, this is when Murphy really turned up the heat, finishing off opponents quickly and expanding his chip lead in the process. The only one who came close to him in the counts was Mancini, who he would go on to play heads-up.

To begin heads-up action, Murphy started with roughly 120,000,000 to Mancini's 70,000,000. The tournament director placed the gold bracelet on the table, and that is when reality began to sink in.

"I don't want to see it," mentioned Murphy, staying focused on the task at hand.

Murphy didn't let off the gas, and after a short battle, he found himself all-in on the river, having Mancini covered. Mancini flicked in the call and got the bad news when Murphy excitedly turned over his hand, showing a queen-high straight. Mancini tabled his cards, revealing a lower, ten-high straight.

"Not bad for my fifth WSOP tournament, huh?" Murphy belted out after the final hand wrapped up.

Murphy shook the dealer's hand afterward and said, "Thanks for that ten, dude, thanks for that ten," referring to the ten of hearts that was dealt on the turn.

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (7)

Murphy took a moment to soak in the glory, and to reach out to family and friends, notifying them of his epic accomplishment. After playing poker for nearly 20 years, his dream of becoming a WSOP champion and winning a gold bracelet became a reality.

Be sure to follow PokerNews throughout the remainder of the 2024 WSOP to stay up to date with all future event coverage.

Tags:Dimitre DimitrovHai NguyenHarry LodgeJames CalderaroMichael WillsRafael ReisRaymond ManciniShaun DeebTao ChuTJ MurphyVernon BarrugaYuvaraj Rai

TJ Murphy Wins Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (8)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (9)

TJ Murphy has won Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack, along with the first-place prize of $368,977.

Stay tuned for the full winner's recap that will be posted soon.

Tags:TJ Murphy

Raymond Mancini Eliminated in 2nd Place ($246,031)

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (10)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (11)

TJ Murphy raised to 5,000,000 on the button and Raymond Mancini called in the big blind. The flop came 8Q9, and both players checked.

On the 10 turn, Mancini check-called a bet of 7,000,000.

The river brought the 7, and Mancini checked again. Murphy moved all in, putting Mancini at risk, who had about 40,000,000 behind.

Mancini made the call and Murphy quickly tabled AJ, for a straight and Mancini showed 106, for a lower straight.

Mancini's impressive tournament run has come to an end with a runner-up finish.

TJ Murphy189,280,000



Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (14)

Raymond ManciniBusted

Tags:Raymond ManciniTJ Murphy

Tao Chu Eliminated in 3rd Place ($183,237)

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (17)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (18)

TJ Murphy limped in from the button before Tao Chu called from the small blind and Raymond Mancini checked from the big blind.

The flop came 953, Chu and Mancini both checked before Murphy bet 3,000,000. Chu then check raised all in for approximately 14,300,000, Mancini folded and Murphy made the call.

Tao Chu: 85 Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (19)
TJ Murphy: 98

The turn was the 6 and the river was the Q, eliminating Chu in third place.

TJ Murphy95,000,000



Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (22)

Tao ChuBusted

Tags:Raymond ManciniTao ChuTJ Murphy

Vernon Barruga Eliminated in 4th Place ($137,551)

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (25)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (26)

Raymond Mancini raised to 5,000,000 on the button, TJ Murphy made the call from the small blind before Vernon Barruga three bet all in for approximately 7,200,000 out of the big blind. Both players made the call, Barruga was all in and at risk.

The board ran out J104107, with Murphy and Mancini checking on every street.

Vernon Barruga: A9 Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (27)
Raymond Mancini: 8x8x
TJ Murphy: KJ

Murphy was the winner when the cards got shown, sending Barruga to the rail in fourth place.

TJ Murphy81,000,000



Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (30)

Raymond Mancini70,000,000


Vernon BarrugaBusted

Tags:Raymond ManciniTJ MurphyVernon Barruga

Hai Nguyen Eliminated in 5th Place ($104,079)

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (35)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (36)

Hai Nguyen only had 200,000 left in chips behind after posting the big blind and ante. Raymond Mancini limped under the gun, TJ Murphy called, and Tao Chu called. Nguyen went all in for his remaining chips and all three opponents called.

Everyone checked the 4Q7 and did the same when the K peeled. One last time, everyone tapped the table when the 4 came.

Murphy declared a King and showed K8 and all the live opponents mucked, leaving Nguyen to show a losing J9.

TJ Murphy91,000,000



Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (39)

Raymond Mancini52,000,000


Tao Chu15,000,000


Hai NguyenBusted

Tags:Hai NguyenRaymond ManciniTao ChuTJ Murphy

Dimitre Dimitrov Eliminated in 6th Place ($79,385)

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (46)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (47)

Dimitre Dimitrov went all in blind from under the gun for 1,800,000 which was slightly less than one big blind. Raymond Mancini limped in from middle position, TJ Murphy called from the small blind and Vernon Barruga checked his option from the big blind.

Action checked all the way through to the river with a board reading A23AK.

Murphy showed 43 for a pair, which was good enough to win the pot and eliminate Dimitre who held J9.

TJ Murphy70,000,000



Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (50)

Dimitre DimitrovBusted

Tags:Dimitre DimitrovTJ Murphy

Updated Counts; Shorties Keep Doubling Through Murphy

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (53)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (54)

TJ Murphy hasn't been able to stay ahead of a short stack for the past hour. He doubled up Dimitre Dimitrov's 88 despite flopping a queen with Q9. Vernon Barruga also tripled up with K8 when he rivered Broadway against Murphy.

Shortly after, Murphy could be seen mucking his hand on a KJ8K board, saying, "Ah, I'm done with it; I shouldn't have called preflop. Gotta have a little fun. I want to win but I've got to have some fun..."

TJ Murphy62,000,000



Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (57)

Raymond Mancini36,000,000


Tao Chu28,000,000


Vernon Barruga16,200,000


Hai Nguyen9,000,000


Dimitre Dimitrov8,000,000



Tags:TJ MurphyVernon Barruga

Nguyen's Got Alligator Blood

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (68)

Level 41: Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (69)

TJ Murphy raised to 3,000,000 from middle position, Tao Chu made the call from the small blind. Hai Nguyen who had under five big blinds to start the hand put his remaining chips in the middle, he was all in and at risk against both opponents.

The flop came 954 Chu checked, Murphy bet 4,000,000, and Chu folded. The two remaining players tabled their cards.

Hai Nguyen: 64 Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (70)
TJ Murphy: QQ

The turn was the 7 giving Nguyen additional outs.

The river was the miracle 8 giving Nguyen a straight. One could say Nguyen has alligator blood as he remains hanging around in this tournament.

TJ Murphy64,000,000



Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (73)

Tao Chu19,000,000


Hai Nguyen4,000,000



Tags:Hai NguyenTao ChuTJ Murphy


Event #17: $800 No-Limit Hold'em DeepStack | 2024 World Series of Poker (2024)


What is a no limit hold em deepstack? ›

In a no limit Hold'em cash game you can consider yourself deep stacked when the value of the chips in front of you is significantly greater than 100 big blinds. This provides some interesting strategy considerations, so let's examine how you need to adapt your poker style when playing deep.

What does deepstack mean in poker? ›

What is Deep Stack Poker? A deep stack can refer to having a large stack in a cash game, typically more than 100 big blinds, as well as to a tournament with a starting stack that is relatively high when compared to the blinds and antes.

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Deepstack Tournament Strategy Tips:

You don't have to play like a nit – but try to be a bit picky about your hands. Exploit The Nits: Steal their blinds, pressure them to fold their weaker hands. On the flip side, you should fold your borderline hands when they bet strong, or stop betting if they keep calling you.

How to watch the WSOP main event? ›

The 2022 WSOP will be streamed on PokerGO this Summer! Sign up to PokerGO using code “WSOPCOM30” for $30 off an annual PokerGO subscription. Follow every WSOP event on WSOP.com here, and follow @WSOP and @PokerGo on Twitter for the latest updates on events and 2022 WSOP live streams.

How to qualify for WSOP 2024? ›

Main Event Maynia, the WSOP's official guaranteed seat-qualifier series, returns in 2024, providing another way to qualify for the 2024 WSOP through land-based satellites at official partner casino resorts and card rooms throughout the country and the world.

What poker tournament is going on in Vegas right now? ›

Today's Las Vegas Poker Tournament Schedule
Start TimeEventSeries
6:00 PM$240 No-Limit Hold'em Bounty $10K GTD2024 Summer Poker Festival & Moneymaker Poker Tour
7:00 PM$150 No-Limit Hold'em Bounty $15K GTD2024 Grand Poker Series
7:05 PM$200 No-Limit Hold'em $5K GTD2024 Summer Poker Series
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Has no limit hold em been solved? ›

Myth 1 – Poker Has Been Solved

Neither chess nor Go has been solved, although computers are now much better than the best humans. Heads-up limit hold'em was either solved or close to being solved. No-limit hold'em has made some progress toward a solution but has a long way to go.

Is No Limit Hold em profitable? ›

I found that No-Limit Texas Holdem is drastically more profitable per hour than Limit Texas Holdem, given similar bankrolls. It is difficult to win the game of low Limit Texas Holdem. I learned the hard way. Like most of you, I started playing these low limit games.

How many big blinds is deep stack poker? ›

Generally speaking, poker players use this term when they want to describe hands, situations, or formats in which players have stacks of 150 big blinds or more. However, depending on circ*mstances, players can refer to stacks being deep if they have anywhere from 50 big blinds to 1,000 big blinds.

How do you win tournament style poker? ›

7 Tips for Poker Tournaments
  1. Steal a Lot, But Don't Go Overboard.
  2. Defend Your Big Blind A Lot.
  3. Be Wary of 4-Bet Shoves With Middling Stacks (25–40bb)
  4. Deep Stacks? 3-Bet Like It's a Cash Game.
  5. Don't Continuation Bet Every Hand Against Every Player.
  6. Have a Plan for Future Streets.
  7. Learn How to Play Heads-Up.
Mar 22, 2024

How many big blinds should you start with in a cash game? ›

Keep in mind that 100 big blinds is a pretty standard buy-in for all cash games, no matter what the blind levels. Manysolid poker players buy in for 100 big blinds, no matter what the maximum buy-in. The Lodge features some of the deepest available buy-ins for cash games of any poker room in the U.S.

How much does it cost to play in the WSOP Main Event? ›

The Gallery of Champions in 1979. Since 1972, the Main Event of the WSOP has been the $10,000 buy-in no-limit Texas Hold 'em (NLHE) tournament (in 1971 the buy-in was $5,000 and the inaugural 1970 event was an invitational with winner determined by a vote from the players).

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The buy-in for the 2024 WSOP Main Event is $10,000.

Since 1972, this has been the traditional buy-in for the Main Event and all other Championship Events that are part of the WSOP schedule. Of the $10,000, 4.9% of the total entry pool is withheld for entry fees and 2.1% is withheld for tournament dealers & staff.

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The WSOP, which for decades has appeared on ESPN, has struck a multi-year rights agreement with CBS Sports, which will become their new domestic television partner for airing “The Main Event” and other “Bracelet Events.” This year's live WSOP will take place at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino from September 30- ...

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The WSOP is democratic in the sense that anyone can join the tournament. All you need is to be of legal age (21 years) and to have the money for the buy-in. Since anyone can sign up for the games, the winners could be seasoned professionals or lucky novices.

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Remaining Payouts
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What is Freezeout in Poker? A Freezeout is a tournament that does not offer rebuys or re-entry. If a player loses all of his/her chips, s/he is permanently out of the tournament. Note: Are you here just to learn how to play poker...or do you want to know how to win too?

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PokerGO Studio. It should come as no surprise that Negreanu's favorite place to play is inside the PokerGO Studio, which has become home to the high roller scene.

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In Conclusion
  • Best overall low-stakes place to poker in Vegas: Resorts World.
  • Best overall high-stakes place to poker in Vegas: Wynn/Encore.
  • Most fun place to play poker in Vegas: Caesars Palace.
  • Best place for beginners to play poker in Vegas: Mandalay Bay.
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A mid-2000s boon for poker brought 70 cardrooms to the region by 2010, but a drop to about 20 rooms — many shuttered as a cost-saving measure post-pandemic — shows how much operating the game has changed for casinos and what it could be in the future.

What is no limit hold em? ›

In no-limit hold 'em, players may bet or raise any amount over the minimum raise up to all of the chips the player has at the table (called an all-in bet). The minimum raise is equal to the size of the previous bet or raise. If someone wishes to re-raise, they must raise at least the amount of the previous raise.

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A Turbo in poker refers to a type of tournament in which the blind levels increase much faster than in a standard tournament, leading to quicker rounds and faster overall gameplay.

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Double Stack Tournament Strategy for No Limit Holdem

Deep stack or double stack tournaments are a chance to begin any game with more chips and typically slower blind levels and increments. The strategy to utilize these benefits is slightly different than most common tournament play.

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Unlimited raising is allowed in certain situations, including: Texas Hold'em No-limit and pot-limit games, without exception.

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