WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)

Friday, June 7, 2024 12:35 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 9 minutes ago)

Ochana Leads Final Seven After Day 3 of Event #16: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (1)

Day 3 of Event #16: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em at the 2024 World Series of Poker at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas came to an end after about 11 hours of play as the field of 41 was trimmed down to just seven as the night came to an end.

Eddie Ochana ended the night as the big stack by some distance with 14,135,000. He started to accumulate a lot of his chips in the latter part of the day by winning a large share of hands to steadily increase his stack.

The second and third largest stacks to end the night were bunched close together as Alexander Queen and Brent Hart bagged up 8,865,000 and 8,345,000 respectively. Queen has a late night rise, while Hart was the large stack at one point before losing some before the close of the night.

Final Table Seat Draw

SeatPlayerCountryChipsBig Blinds
1Kartik VedIndia2,610,00013
2Eddie OchanaUnited States14,135,00071
3Shant MarashlianUnited States2,665,00013
4Alexander QueenUnited States8,865,00044
5Brent HartUnited States8,345,00042
6Daniyal GhebaUnited States2,900,00015
7Taylor BlackUnited States1,635,0008

After the top three, there was a massive drop off in chips as the bottom four stacks range from eight to 15 big blinds to make for a four-way battle at the bottom for the scraps. Of the four bottom stacks, Shant Marashlian and Taylor Black both had the chip lead at one point during the final two tables only to see those large stacks disappear into small ones.

But they still remain in the tournament with a chance at the $660,284 grand prize, which is not something that can be said about the many players who hit the rail on Day 3 as it began with 41 players left and steadily trickled down as play was slow for many parts of the day with deep stacks and big pay jumps.

A few of the notables who hit the rail early in the day included Kenny Hallaert (39th), Ian Matakis (37th) and Brian Rast (24th) as the big names started to be trimmed from the field.

Arguably the biggest name remaining was taken out in by far the most dramatic way. Ten-time bracelet winner, Erik Seidel was on the feature table when he was met with a diabolical elimination when his higher flush was undone by a one-outer straight flush on the river.

From that point, play would continue to go at a deliberate pace as there were 13 players at the dinner break after Andrew Ostapchenko went out in 14th.

The final table was reached late in the night and began with a bang as Adam Saven had his aces cracked by runner-runner flush against ace-queen.

The night was concluded when Krasimir Yankov went out in eighth place.

PokerNews will resume coverage at 4:00 p.m. on June 7, with the players featuring on the PokerGO live stream.

Friday, June 7, 2024 12:33 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 11 minutes ago)

Krasimir Yankov Eliminated in 8th Place ($66,464)

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Krasimir Yankov opened from the button with to 800,000, and the small blind folded. Chip leader Eddie Ochana looked down at and decided to raise all-in, covering Yankov's stack for 1,540,000 effective. Yankov called all-in and was at risk for his tournament life.

The board ran out to give Ochana a pair of aces, defeating Yankov's queens and eliminating him in eighth place.

Eddie Ochana14,155,0004,770,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (3)
Krasimir Yankov0-2,500,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (4)

Friday, June 7, 2024 12:28 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 15 minutes ago)

Hart Hits Flush on River

Alexander Queen raised to 325,000 with in early position, and Brent Hart, who was to Queen's immediate left, called with .

The rest of the players folded, and the play went to the flop, where the dealer fanned . Hart flopped top pair with four to a flush draw, while Queen flopped middle pair. Queen checked, prompting Hart to fire 300,000, which Queen called.

The appeared on the turn, which drew checks from both players. The dealer placed on the river to complete Hart's flush. Queen checked, resulting in Hart to bet 900,000.

Queen folded, and Hart pulled in a 2,550,000 pot.

Alexander Queen8,865,000-2,135,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (5)
Brent Hart7,745,0002,545,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (6)

Friday, June 7, 2024 12:10 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 34 minutes ago)

Flopped Set for Hart

Brent Hart opened from early position to 325,000 with and action folded around to Shant Marashlian in the big blind who defended his .

The flop came , and Marashlian checked to Hart, who continued for 220,000. Marashlian called.

The turn saw Marashlian check-fold to a bet of 800,000 from Hart.

Brent Hart5,200,000-1,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (7)
Shant Marashlian2,800,000-290,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (8)

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Thursday, June 6, 2024 11:47 PM Local Time (about 5 hours and 57 minutes ago)

Adam Saven Eliminated in 9th ($51,265)

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Alexander Queen opened from under the gun to 240,000 and action folded to Adam Saven in late position who raised to 650,000. Action folded back to Queen who shoved all-in, covering Saven's 2,905,000 stack. Saven called and the cards were revealed.

Alexander Queen:
Adam Saven: [allin]

The board ran out a brutal to give Queen the ace-high flush and crack Saven's aces, eliminating him in ninth place.

Alexander Queen11,000,0003,500,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (11)
Adam Saven0-2,905,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (12)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 11:43 PM Local Time (about 6 hours and 0 minute ago)

Gheba’s Set Takes It Down

Daniyal Gheba raised 240,000 in middle position with [9hh9d] and action folded around to Eddie Ochana, who called in the big blind with .

The dealer fanned , giving Ochana middle pair. Unfortunately, Gheba drilled top set to take a commanding lead. Ochana checked, and Gheba bet 220,000, which Ochana called.

The arrived on the turn. Ochana checked, prompting Gheba to bet 675,000. Ochana quickly mucked his hand and the 1,775,000 pot was pushed to Gheba.

Eddie Ochana9,385,000-1,035,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (13)
Daniyal Gheba3,785,000585,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (14)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 11:28 PM Local Time (about 6 hours and 15 minutes ago)

Yankov Doubles

Krasimir Yankov raised preflop, Daniyal Gheba three-bet enough to force Yankov to put in the rest of his stack which he did.

Krasimir Yankov: [allin]
Daniyal Gheba:

The flop came . The turn was the and the river the to give Yankov a double at the start of the final table.

Daniyal Gheba3,200,000-1,275,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (15)
Krasimir Yankov2,500,0001,650,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (16)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 11:28 PM Local Time (about 6 hours and 16 minutes ago)

Brent Takes One

Action folded to Alexander Queen in the small blind who raised to 400,000. Brent Hart called in the big blind.

The flop fell and Queen continued for 250,000 which Hart called.

The turn saw Queen check and Brent fire for 550,000. Queen folded.

Alexander Queen7,500,000-385,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (17)
Brent Hart6,200,000675,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (18)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 11:15 PM Local Time (about 6 hours and 28 minutes ago)

Final Table Redraw

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (19)

SeatPlayerCountryChip Count
1Kartik VedIndia3,750,000
2Eddie OchanaUnited States10,420,000
3Shant MarashlianUnited States3,090,000
4Alexander QueenUnited States7,885,000
5Brent HartUnited States5,525,000
6Daniyal GhebaUnited States4,475,000
7Taylor BlackUnited States2,255,000
8Adam SavenUnited States2,905,000
9Krasimir YankovBulgaria850,000

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (20)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:49 PM Local Time (about 6 hours and 54 minutes ago)

Updates Delayed 30 Minutes

As the players are combined into a final table, our updates will be delayed for 30 minutes to match the PokerGO live stream.

Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:33 PM Local Time (about 7 hours and 10 minutes ago)

Queen Chip Leading

Action folded to Brent Hart in the cutoff who opened to 250,000. Alexander Queen called from the button and the blinds folded.

The flop saw Hart continue for 300,000 and Queen called.

The turn rolled off and Hart check-called a bet of 850,000 from Queen.

The river came and Hart checked. Queen assembled a wager of 1,300,000 and Hart called instantly.

Queen rolled over to reveal two pair and Hart mucked.

Alexander Queen7,785,0004,685,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (21)
Brent Hart5,435,000-2,820,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (22)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:30 PM Local Time (about 7 hours and 13 minutes ago)

Robert Burlacu Eliminated in 10th ($40,201)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (23)

Robert Burlacu raised from button to 1,000,000 which was for almost all of his stack. Shant Marashlian raised him all in and revealed his hand before Burlacu had called who then took a moment to call the floor but then called the remaining few chips.

Robert Burlacu: [allin]
Shant Marashlian:

The board ran out to end the run for Burlacu.

Shant Marashlian3,400,000-440,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (24)
Robert Burlacu0-2,705,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (25)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:25 PM Local Time (about 7 hours and 18 minutes ago)

Yankov Doubles Through Hart

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (26)

Action folded to Krasimir Yankov, who was on the button and had just 455,000. He decided to make a move and shoved all in.

Taylor Black folded in the small blind, but Brent Hart, who has the second largest stack remaining in the field, called to put Yankov at risk.

Krasimir Yankov:
Brent Hart:

The dealer fanned on the board to give Yankov the hand with top pair and a much-needed chip boost.

Brent Hart8,255,000-545,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (27)
Krasimir Yankov1,080,000-1,020,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (28)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:06 PM Local Time (about 7 hours and 37 minutes ago)

Hart Still Leading

Action folded to Brent Hart in the cutoff who opened to 250,000. The big blind folded and Daniyal Gheba in the small blind raised to 750,000 which Hart called.

The flop fell and Gheba continued for 450,000 which Hart called.

Both players checked the turn and river

Gheba revealed to play the board's two pair with an ace kicker. Hart showed for a better two pair.

Brent Hart8,800,0002,300,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (29)
Daniyal Gheba4,345,000-755,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (30)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (31)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:04 PM Local Time (about 7 hours and 40 minutes ago)

Level 28 started

Level: 28

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 120,000

Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:57 PM Local Time (about 7 hours and 46 minutes ago)

Mark Tarich Eliminated in 11th Place ($40,201)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (32)

Mark Tarich found himself as a short stack after the dinner break and patiently waited for a spot to push.

He found it when Eddie Ochana raised to 200,000 under the gun, which resulted in Tarich moving all in. Action folded around back to Ochana, who made the call to put Tarich at risk.

Mark Tarich: [allin]
Eddie Ochana:

Ochana took the lead when the dealer fanned on the flop, and Tarich's fate in 11th place was sealed when and completed the run out.

Eddie Ochana8,965,0001,115,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (33)
Mark Tarich0-1,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (34)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:49 PM Local Time (about 7 hours and 54 minutes ago)

Ochana's Stack Growing

Action was on the flop as it read . Mark Tarich bet 100,000.

"Just 100?" said Eddie Ochana before he called from the small blind while smiling at Tarich, who has been his newly made table buddy of the evening with the two of them chatting with each other in nearly every hand they play.

The turn was the . Tarich tossed out three mint colored chips for a bet of 300,000. Ochana called.

The river came the . This time, Ochana led for 500,000. Tarich called after a few seconds.

Ochana tabled the for two pair which bested the of Tarich.

Eddie Ochana7,850,0001,445,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (35)
Mark Tarich1,200,000-2,675,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (36)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:39 PM Local Time (about 8 hours and 4 minutes ago)

Queen Plays Back at Hart

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (37)

Brent Hart raised 200,000 on the button, and then Alexander Queen in the small blind and Daniyal Gheba in the big blind called to bring three-way action.

The flop brought on the board, which all three players checked.

Action heated up on the turn, when the dealer placed on the board.

Queen led out with 250,000, which forced a fold from Gheba. Hart glanced to Queen, and then counted out chips before raising to 600,000. Queen barely moved for a brief moment, and then announced an all-in bet for his remaining 1,500,000.

Hart immediately mucked his hand and the dealer pushed the pot to Queen.

Brent Hart6,500,000-800,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (38)
Alexander Queen3,100,0001,600,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (39)

Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:26 PM Local Time (about 8 hours and 17 minutes ago)

Kade Venkatesan Eliminated in 12th Place ($32,059)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (40)

Action folded around to Alex Queen in the small blind who shoved all in, covering Kade Venkatesan in the big blind. Venkatesan called and the cards were revealed.

Kade Venkatesan: [allin]
Alex Queen:

The board fell leaving Venkatesan with queen-high behind Queen's jacks for the elimination in 12th place.

Alexander Queen1,600,000100,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (41)
Kade Venkatesan0-950,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (42)

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WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.